Abstract submission

Please sign in for your conference participation. Creating an Account registers you for the conference, and provides you with an opportunity to contribute an abstract(s).

You may submit up to 5 abstracts on behalf of members of your group and you may upload up to 5 attachments per abstract of 2 MB each.

Author and Presenter Fields

Please note that the Presenter section is separate from the Author list section. You can select which type of presentation you wish to give in the Presenter section, as detailed below. The Author and Presenter names should be in the following format:


Presenter Preferences

  • Extended talk: 25+5 mins. Please submit your CV as an attachment if you wish to be considered for an extended talk.
  • Regular talk: 15+5 mins
  • Speed talk: 5-6 mins

Your selected Presented Preference will be considered as your first choice and you will be notified as soon as the schedule is finalized as to the status of your selection.

Thank you on behalf of the VSTC3 Organizing Committee

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